Local Groups


DaysEventVenue & TimeContact
MondayBedstone Art GroupBedstone Village Hall
10:30 - 13:00
Celia Keane - 01547 530397
Monday (During Term Time)Bucknell Youth ClubBucknell Memorial Hall:
Summer Hours - 18:30 - 20:30

Winter Hours - 19:00 - 20:30
Jim Hughes

[email protected]

TuesdayMothers’ and Toddlers’ GroupBucknell Memorial Hall 09:00 - 11:30Leanne Lewis - 07869 470684
TuesdayBucknell Ukulele GroupVariable venues at 2:30pmGeri Jackson - 01547 530137
TuesdayGrumpy Old Men’s ClubThe Baron at Bucknell 20:00 - 22:00Just turn up!
TuesdayPiYoBucknell Primary School 19:30Helen Bithell - 07775 520968
WednesdayPop In Café BucknellSt. Marys Church 10:30 - 12:00Sue Fenlon - 01547 530105
FridayModern Line DancingBucknell Memorial Hall 09:30 - 10:30Christine Price - 01547 530249
Friday BingoBucknell Memorial Hall 19:45Dorothy Edwards - 01547 530252
SaturdayIndoor Circuit TrainingBucknell Memorial Hall 09:30Helen Bithell - 07775 520968


DaysEventVenue & TimeContact
MondayBucknell WalkersLych Gate
St. Marys Church 09:00 - sharp!
Mike Starr 01547 530179
WednesdayMobile Library ServiceBelmont Garage end of the Causeway 14:05 - 14:25Shropshire Library Service 01743 255024
ThursdayBucknell Skittles (Sept - May) Boules (June - Aug)Ukulele GroupMemorial Hall or The Baron at Bucknell 19:30Sylvia & Derek Meredith 01547 530422


DaysEventVenue & TimeContact
Last MondayBucknell Book GroupVariable venuesBridget Thomas 01568 770165
First TuesdayMothers UnionVariable venues during winter monthsIris Greaves 01547 530152 and Jean Pryke 01547 540376
Second TuesdayBedstone and Bucknell Parish CouncilVariable venues - see parish notice boards 19:30Jonathan Kemp Chairman
01547 530398
Third WednesdayWomen’s InstituteBucknell Memorial HallChristine Price WI President 01547 530249
Last WednesdayCraft GroupVariable venuesFran Turnbull 01547 530833

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