Governance Documents

Code of Conduct

At its meeting on 2nd March 2022, the Parish Council adopted the following: Model Councillor Code of Conduct 2020



Annual Return | Notice of elector's rights
Each year the Council’s Annual Return is audited by an auditor appointed by Public Sector Audit Appointments Limited. Any person interested has the opportunity to inspect and make copies of the Annual Return and all books, deeds, contracts, bills, vouchers and receipts, etc. relating to the accounting statements. For the year ended 31 March 2015, these documents will be available on reasonable notice on application to the Parish Clerk (see below):


Annual Return | Notice of conclusion
Once concluded our Parish Clerk completes an annual notice of conclusion of the audit and right to inspect the Annual Return


Annual Accounting Statement
We are required publish our annual accounting statement according to the format included in the Annual Return form. Publication of the relevant page of the completed Annual Return form meets this requirement.


Annual Governance Statement
We are required publish our annual governance statement according to the format included in the Annual Return form. Publication of the relevant page of the completed Annual Return form meets this requirement. The annual governance statement should is signed by the Chairman and Clerk of the smaller authority.


Annual External Audit Certificate
The external audit certificate is signed by an external auditor who reviews our annual return to verify that we have discharged our responsibilities under the Audit Commission Act 1998 as transitionally saved for the stated financial year.


Annual Internal Audit Report
Our annual internal audit report is signed by the person who carried out the internal audit.


Certificate of Exemption
PC Annual Statement of Accounts
The statement of accounts should be accompanied by:
a. a copy of the bank reconciliation for the relevant financial year;
b. an explanation of any significant variances (e.g. more than 10-15 percent, in line with proper practices) in the statement of accounts for the relevant year and previous year, and;
c. an explanation of any differences between ‘balances carried forward’ and ‘total cash and short term investments’, if applicable.


All Items of Expenditure above £100
Details of each individual item of expenditure above £100.

For each individual item of expenditure above £100 the following information is published:
(a) date the expenditure was incurred
(b) summary of the purpose of the expenditure
(c) amount
(d) Value Added Tax that can be recovered

November 2019 – May 2020
December 2018 – October 2019
October – November 2018
February – September 2018
January 2018
October-December 2017
September 2017
August 2017
January-July 2017
October-December 2016

Details of Public Land and Assets

Under the Department for Communities and Local Government’s Transparency code for smaller authorities (December 2014), Parish Councils are required to publish details of public land and building assets held. The following, which is undergoing a verification exercise as indicated, is published as at 19 September 2016. It will be further updated as the exercise progresses.

DescriptionLocationOwner/CustodianDate of AcquisitionCost of of AcquisitionPresent Use
Playing Field and designated Village Green – 1.75ha approx. (To be verified)Daffodil Lane - GR: SO349739Bedstone and Bucknell Parish Council – leased to Bucknell Memorial Hall and Recreation GroundPurchased on 18th February 1999Cost of both pieces together = £50,000. They were not valued separately.Playing field, children’s play area and open space
Area of land designated for new Memorial Hall – 1.5ha approx. (To be verified)Daffodil Lane - GR: SO349738 Bedstone and Bucknell Parish Council – leased to Bucknell Memorial Hall and Recreation GroundPurchased on 18th February 1999See AboveChanging rooms and open space
Children’s play area – 0.05ha approx. (To be verified)Old school garden - GR: SO354736Bedstone and Bucknell Parish CouncilPurchased on 10th May 1996£17,500Children’s play area
Strip of Common land – 0.25ha approx. (To be verified)Opposite ‘The Baron of Beef’ - GR: SO 351740Bedstone and Bucknell Parish CouncilRegistered to the Parish Council on 21st July 1978NilOpen space with benches and picnic table
Common land – 0.05ha approx. (To be verified)The Causeway GR: SO 354739Bedstone and Bucknell Parish CouncilRegistered to the Parish Council on 1st August 1972NilOpen space with benches and picnic table

Other assets held by Bedstone and Bucknell Parish Council
Whilst there is no requirement for anything further to be published, for the sake of openness, the following inventory of other assets held in the name of the Parish Council is published here.

BUCKNELLGround maintenance equipment1 x lawnmower; 1 x Strimmer; (Both in use) 1 x lawnmower; 1 x mulcher; 1 x big strimmer; 1 x small strimmer (Scrap and are kept for emergencies only)
2 x Notice Boards(1) Easterly end of the Causeway
(2) Common land opposite The Baron of Beef
Play equipmentOld School garden play area
2 x Salt bins(1) Weston Road left hand side by Vicarage corner
(2) Red Lane near The Lambpitts
Bench seats and picnic tables(1) The Causeway: 2 x metal seats, 2 x picnic tables
(2) Common land opposite the Baron of Beef: 1 x Picnic table, 1 x Seat
FlagpolePurchase price: £920.00 on 6.3.18.
War memorial Purchase price: £2,950 on 7.11.17 & improvements price: £750.00 on 13.11.18.
Street Lights – owned and managed by Bedstone and Bucknell Parish Council.

Failures or faults for these lights should be reported to the Parish Clerk or any Parish Councillor.)
(1) opposite the Butcher's - metal bracket
(2) halfway down The Causeway - metal column
(3) Cemetery gate - concrete column
(4) Chapel Lawn Road:
(a) outside Woodlands - metal bracket
(b) opposite Upper House Farm - metal column
(5) Chestnut Meadow:
(a) junction with Chapel Lawn Road - concrete column
(b) outside # 8/10 - concrete column
(c) opposite # 12 - concrete column
(6) Dog Kennel Lane
(a) corner by phone box - metal bracket
(b) junction with Bedstone Road - metal bracket
(7) by Lych gate outside The Hall Farm - metal bracket
(8) Old Post Office opposite Church - metal bracket
(9) Redlake Meadow in houses section outside #20 - metal column
(10) School corner - concrete column
(11) Seabridge Meadow - metal column
(12) by Sitwell Terrace - metal column
(13) opposite The Tyndings - metal bracket
(14) Weston Road:
(a) by Vicarage corner - metal column
(b) outside Railway Cottage - metal column
(15) outside Yew Tree House - metal bracket
Radar Speed sign1 x Radar Speed sign purchased November 2019.
2 x Scrap StrimmersScrap strimmers - not economical to repair.
BEDSTONEGround maintenance equipment1 x strimmer
1 x Notice BoardN.B. The land on which the board is sited belongs to Shropshire Council
CLERKOffice Equipment1 x Filing cabinet
Shropshire Council Street Lights
For the sake of completeness and clarity, the following street lights in Bucknell are owned and managed by Shropshire Council:
(1) Chestnut Meadow:
(a) opposite little car park
(b) outside #14
(a) opposite #23
(2) Ladywell – 2
(3) Redlake Meadow, in the bungalows section – 3
(4) Sitwell Close – 2Any failures of these lights should be reported to Shropshire Council
South Shropshire Housing Association Lights
The following street lights in Bucknell are owned and managed by the South Shropshire Housing Association:
(1) The TyndingsAny failures of these lights should be reported to the South Shropshire Housing Association by phone to 0300 303 1190.

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