Report a Concern
Street Scene
Help keep our streets and public spaces clean
Highways and traffic
Keep our highways safe and moving
Waste and recycling
Report litter, fly-tipping or a missed waste collection
Noise and other nuisances
Let us know about anti-social behaviour problems in your area
Concerned about someone?
Let us know if you are concerned about someone
Planning issues
Tell us your planning concerns
Also in report it
- Concerned about someone?
- A change in your circumstances
- Report benefit fraud
- Dangerous structures
- Report a change in circumstances
- Report anti-social behaviour
- Domestic abuse
- Report a hate crime
- Report a wildlife crime
- Anti-social behaviour
- Making a complaint
- Report blue badge fraud
- Report a lost or stolen blue badge
- Submit a planning enforcement query
- Missed collections
- Report fly-tipping, litter and dog mess
- Verge maintenance
- Reporting wild flower rich roadside verges
- Report a fault or concern (Roads and Highways)
- Report a road safety issue
- Littering
- Fly-tipping
- Fly-posting
- Graffiti
- Vandalism or anti-social behaviour
- Street furniture
- Syringes and needles
- Dog fouling
- Abandoned vehicles
- Grounds maintenance
- Report a faulty streetlight